Muchas Gracias
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Constitutional Law Eleventh Edition by Gerald Gunther -William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Stanford University copyright 1985 with the 1985 Supplement by Frederick Schauer had to be complemented with Casenote Legal Briefs Constitutional Law copyright 1985 when I first took Constitutional Law in my 1st year of law school at Georgia State University College of Law.
Last night at a Junior League legislative reception at which I wore neither pearls nor heels, I met a clerk who works at the U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta. I will go on record right now and predict that if and when a U.S. Supreme Court vancancy comes open during the W. presidency,
Larry Thompson will be nominated by this administration and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
A History of American Diplomacy by Armin Rappaport copyright 1975 might be useful right now. "...the factors that went into the formulation of policy, such as public attitudes, domestic political considerations, pressures from interest groups, and aims, aspirations, and ambitions of the principal policy makers as well as their characters and personalities."
Check out how much news coverage the Congressional lame duck session is getting or not getting. The little matter of raising the Federal debt limit and passing an omnibus appropriation bill.
William Faulkner is said to have been influenced by James Joyce.
Sports and art are great distractions. The combination could possibly bypass religion as an opiate of the masses.
The Japanese And Peru 1873-1973 by C. Harvey Gardiner copyright 1975 helped me understand where The Shining Path and Pesident Fujimori came from.
According to internet sources, the winner of this year women's Hawaii Ironman admitted to using banned performance enhancing substances. I'll bet she did not " put a lime in the coconut and drink it in the morning."
I continue to look for employmet. I hear there may be an opening at the P.L.O.
The Home of Man by Barbara Ward copyright 1976 says "that we are living at a juncture of history in which decisions made or unmade will be crucial not just to the future happiness of one group or another but to all humanity and even to the continuance of life on earth."
"In recent years the governments of the world have convened a series of extraordinary conferences which have sought to begin a global inquiry into the possibilities of the human future: Stockholm on the environment, Bucharest on population growth, Rome on food supplies, Caracas on the uses of the sea, Mexico City on the roleand status of women, and now Vancouver on shelter and the human habitat."
Interactive gaming? $$$$
Operation Al Fajr - Iraqi word for "Dawn"
Neither Auburn Universtiy nor University of Georgia have played any other team of consequence - yes, that includes the University of Tennessee. Look at their past schedules.
Changing America Blueprints for the New Administration by The Citizens Transition Project edited by Mark Green copyright 1992 "Thirteen months before the 1992 national election, several dozen advocates, scholars, authors, and officials came together to form the nonprofit Citizens Transition Project. Our aim was to draft a government-wide, agency-by-agency transition report on the long-odds bet that (a) there would be aninterested new President in 1993 and (b) no one else would bother.
The dice came up seven."
The Buying of the President 2000 The Authoritative Guide to the Bog-Money Interests Behind This Year's Presidential Candidates by Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity copyright 2000 "It is disconcerting to behold a political process that so matter-of-factly rewards unabashed, competitive gluttony, a process so utterly devoid of substantive discourse, a process so disdainful of the very people it is supposed to serve. But the lack of self-awareness and independence by the participants themselves is even more stupefying."
I will try to go vote now.
Warrior Politics Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos by Robert D. Kaplan copyright 2002
" Sun-Tzu urges leaders to'plan and calculate like a hungry man.' Machiavelli defines a policy not by its excellence but by its outcome. Churchill derives his greatness fron his imagination of history. Livy shows that the vigor to face down adversaries must ultimately come from pride in our own past achievements."
The side that knows when to fight and when not will take the victory. There are roadways not to be traveled, armies not to be attacked, walled cities not to be assaulted. - SUN - TZU
Man's real trasure is the treasure of his mistakes, piled up stone by stone through thousands of years... - Jose' Ortega Y Gasset Toward a Philosophy of History, 1941
The original sin of any writer is to see the world only from his or her point of view. Objectivity is illusory. - Preface
Approximately twenty seven hours before the polls technically start to shut down in Georgia.